List of Tamil words in French language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in French Language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. French evolved from Gallo-Romance, the Latin spoken in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul. Its closest relatives are the other langues d'oïl—languages historically spoken in northern France and in southern Belgium, which French (Francien) largely supplanted. French was also influenced by native Celtic languages of Northern Roman Gaul like Gallia Belgica and by the (Germanic) Frankish language of the post-Roman Frankish invaders. Today, owing to France's past overseas expansion, there are numerous French-based creole languages, most notably Haitian Creole.
French is an official language in 29 countries across multiple continents, most of which are members of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the community of 84 countries which share the official use or teaching of French. French is also one of six official languages used in the United Nations. It is spoken as a first language (in descending order of the number of speakers) in: France; Canada (especially in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick, as well as other Francophone regions); Belgium (Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region); western Switzerland (specifically the cantons forming the Romandy region); parts of Luxembourg; parts of the United States (the states of Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont); Monaco; the Aosta Valley region of Italy; and various communities elsewhere.
French is estimated to have about 76 million native speakers; about 235 million daily, fluent speakers; and another 77–110 million secondary speakers who speak it as a second language to varying degrees of proficiency, mainly in Africa. According to the OIF, approximately 300 million people worldwide are "able to speak the language", without specifying the criteria for this estimation or whom it encompasses. According to a demographic projection led by the Université Laval and the Réseau Démographie de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, the total number of French speakers will reach approximately 500 million in 2025 and 650 million by 2050. OIF estimates 700 million by 2050, 80% of whom will be in Africa.

Clues to read French Words into Tamil;
letter ‘k’ =’v’; ‘v ‘=’k’.
Add / change vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained /deleted / added or exchanged. added.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Ref; French and English Dictionary – by James Boielle, B.A.
English- French words -Tamil beat- abattre- poattu adiththar;thattuthar ; thapputhar; letters are jumbled.
* beat- battue- poattu adi
* beau – pai ; paa . belle – polam
*5.broken- abattu- poaattu udaiththidu /to break
* meet- aboutir- paaththiduthar join- aboutir -pinaiththar burst- aboutir- pottuthar ; udaithar .
9.buying- achat- edu pay- acquitter-kattanam kattuthar ; kattanam- fess; kattuthar- pay.
11.skillful- adroit- thiran udaiya ; thiran- skill; udaiya has.
* worship- adore- thuthiththar ; aadarsh .
*13.dread- affre- peeru /fear; paer achcham ;paer- big; achcham- fear .
* move- agiter- ukaithar ; kathiththar ; iyankuthar .
* shake- agiter- kidu kiduththar ; letters are read more than once.
* swing- agiter- uookkuthar
* torment- agiter- kaaithar
* heave- agiter- oaankuthar ; kakkuthar .
19. to debate- agiter- vaakku aaduthar ; ka= va; va= ka; vaathiththar .
* wave a flag- agiter- kodi yaei aattuthar ;kodi- flg- aattuthar- to wave. stir- sagiter- kinduthar
*22.young raw girl- agnes- kanni /virgin girl
23.watching- aguets- kattu ; kanndidu ; kann kaaniththidu ; kavaniththidu; ka= va; va= ka.
*24.grandmother- ayeule- aayaal
25.morning dew- aiguaille- kaalai pani ; kaalai- morning; pani- snow.
26. love- amour – eeram; letters are in reversed order; amorous; eros= eeram.
27. air- air- uyir
* add/ join - ajouter- saeththiduthar
29.alphabet-alphabet- ezhuththu/ letter
30.mind- ame- manam
31.fine /penalty- amende – thandam; letters are in reversed order.
* be broken- samortir- muriththar /to break
33.pine apple- ananas- annaasi
34.glance- aperqu- oru paarvai paarkka; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka ; oru- one ; paarvai- seeing / vision; paarkka- see . old piece of antiquity- antiquaille- pandaiya kaala pandam ; pandaiya- old; kaalam- time ;pandam- item . be in sight- ap paraitre- paarththiduthar / seeing
37.footless- a pode- paatham inmai ; paatham- foot; inmai- nil.
*38.height- apogee-pokkam
39.appetite- appetit- pasiththida
*40.stomach- appetit- poththu
41.desire- appetit- petpu; apiththiyaei.
42.after/ what then - apres- appuram; pinnar.
43.clay stone- ar gilo lithe- erukiya kali munn kattikal ; letters are jumbled; erukiya- become hard ; kali munn- clay ; kattikal- clods .
44.clat pit- ar gili ere- erukiya kali koarai ; letters are jumbled; erukiya- hard; kali – clay; koarai- pit.
45.clay/ potter’s clay- ar gile- kuyavarin kali munn; kuyavar- potter; kali munn- clay soil ; letters are jumbled ;ka= va; va= ka.
46.aroma- arome- narumanam
47.aromatite- aromatite- narumanam udaiyayathu ; udaiyathu- has got.
48.fragrant /aromatical– aromatique- narumanam udaiyathaaka arrest- arreter- sirai yir iduthar /to imprison; sirai- prison. stop- arreter- niruththuthar
51.stopped- arrete- niruththu /stop
52.agreed upon- arrete- yaettrida ; letters are jumbled ; oru pada .
53.coming- arrivee – vara ; letters are in reversed order.
54.arrival -arrivage- vrukai; letters are jumbled. pair- assortir- joadi saerththar ; letters are jumbled; joadi- set /pair ; saerththar – to unite.
*56.workshop / gang of workmen - atelier- thozhilaalar / workers; thozhir saalai / workshop.
57.archaeologist- archeologue [ - Ra- ka- la- ka-]- akazhvu aaraaichchi ; ka- va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; akazhvu - to dig; aarraichchi- research.
*58.assaulted- attaque- adikka/assault
*59.attack- attaque- thaakku
60.urged- attaque- unthuka
61.provoked- attaque- thoonduka / provoke begin- attaquer- thudakkuthar
* reach/ attain - atteindre- adainthiduthar
* reach /attain- attaint- adainthidu touch- atteindre- thoduthar strike / hit- atteindre - adiththar hit – atteinte- adiththidu
*68.injury- atteinte- adi undaayida /got injured
*69.harm- atteinte- theethu undayida ;theethu- evil/ harm
*70.damage- atteinte- udainthida / broken
71.withered- atrophie-uthira/ wither ; pattu poathar ; letters are jumbled. fasten- attacher- isaiththar ; letters are jumbled. stick- attacher- ottuthar
74.approach- attaque- adaika; annduka.
75.insult/ reproach - attaque- ninthikka
76.landing- atter rage- karai yaei adaithar /from the sea; letters are jumbled ;karai- shore; adaithar- to reach. make land- atterrer- tharai yaei adaithar ; tharai- land; adaithar- to reach; letters are read more than once.
78.attenuate- attenue- noeitha; letters are in reversed order. throw down- atterrer- etti erithar / throw away; letters are jumbled; etta- away; erithar- throwing.
*80.strike down- atterrer- adiththar / strike
*81.demolish- atterrer- idiththar
* destroy- atterrer- adarththar; sithaiththar.
* ruin- atterrer – udaiththar ; thariththar ; thudaiththar ; letters are read more than once.
* mitigate- attenuer -thaniththar
* gain over - attirer- eettuthar
* bring over- attire- attuthar / to bring incite- attirer - thoonduthar get- sattirer- adaithar ; thaeduthar ; saaththiththar /achieve .
* win- attire- aduthar ; aattuthar . win- sattirer- saathiththar; jeyeiththar .
* appoint- attitrer- iduthar; amaiththar.
*92.abuse- aubade-paadu ; paei paattu .
*93.trough- auget- akadu auteur- theetiyavar ; theettu- write; theetiyavar- writer; iyattriyoar /author.
*95.source- auteur- uoottru ; aathaaram ; thoattram ; muthar .
96.maker- auteur- seithoar
97.others- autrui- mattroar
98.informed- averti ariviththidu / to inform ;letters are jumbled. inform- avertir- ariviththar; letters are jumbled.
100.prattle- babil- pillai mozhi ; pillai- child; mozhi- language/ speech .
101.chatter- babil- alappu ; letters are in reversed order.
102.drum stick- baguette-kadippu ; letters are jumbled; kottu thadi- kottu- drum; thadi- stick.
103.small stick – baguette- thadi kampu /stick ; letters are jumbled ;podi kattai; podi- small; kattai- stick .
* bind up- bander- pinaiththar
105.head band /frontlet- bandeau -neththi pattam; letters are jumbled; neththi- forehead; pattam- frontlet.
106.ferry boat- bar guette payaniyar kadaththu ; payaniyar- passenger; kadaththu- boat .
107.boat- barque- pakuri ; letters are jumbled.
108.boat- bateau- theppam; letters are in reversed order.
109.chief police- barigel [Italian] –uyar/ periya kaavalar ; letters are jumbled ; ka= va; va= ka. kaavalar- police.
110.battle/ fight - bataille- adal ; padai eduththal – in invade/ to wage a war; padai- army.
111.fight- batterie- aduthar ; poar idu ; letters are jumbled ;ethir- war .
112.beating the drums- batterie- tappu thattuthar; letters are jumbled; thappu- drum; thattuthar- beating.
*113.stupid person- bat - paethai throb- batter- thudiththar
* bebe- paappa dig- becher- pari peck- bequeter- koththuthar
118.kind/ kindness- bene vole- anpu ulla ; letters are jumbled; anpu- love/ kindness; ulla- has.
119.beloved- bien voulu- anpu ulla; anpu ullaval ; bien =anpu ; letters are jumbled.
* gain- beneficier- payan pera
121.beneficiary- beneficiaire- payan peruvoar
*122.good / benefit- bien- payan
*123.boon- bien- payan
*124.benefit- bienfait- payan paadu
* take advantage / of any one’s goodness – bonte- payan adaiya
126.kindness- bienfait- anpu udaiya ; anpoadu .
*127.fool- bete- paethai
* biere- peerai /water
129. bifurcated- bifurquer- eru kavaru ; eru kooraakku; eru pirivaakku ;eru- tow; pirikka- divide .
130.kid- biquet- kutti aadu ;kutti- small ;aadu- goat
131.she goat- bique- penn kam ; penn- female; kam- goat
132. drink- boire- paruku
* boite- petti
134. excellence- bonte- nayaththoadu ; panpu udaiya ; naya paadu ; padinam ;letters are jumbled.
*135.jump- bond- paainthidu
*136.brothel- bordel- paraththai il/ illam ; paraththai- prostitute ; illam- house.
* eyed - borgne- oru kann ;oru – one; kann- eye.
138.lady’s maid- bonne- pani penn ; pani- work; penn- girl
139.lady’s private room- boudoir- penn in thani arai ; penn- girl/ woman; thani- private; arai- room ; pendir arai ;pendir- women.
140.thicket- bosquet- seeththai -k-kaadu ; letters are jumbled.
141.grove- bosquet- sei kaadu
*142.bundle- botte- pothi
*143.step of a coach- botte- padi
*144.thrust- botte- pathi
145.truss- botte- idai poottu /girdle; letters are jumbled; idai- waist.
146.tying up in bundles – bottelage- pottalam kattauka; letters are jumbled; pottalam- bundle; kattuka- to bundle / tie .
147.dirt- boue- poosu
148.bunch/ cluster- bouquet – koththu
*149.bouquet- bouquet- poo koththu ; poo- flower; koththu- bunch .
150.flower vase- bouquetier- neer poo kudam ; letters are jumbled; poo- flower; neer- water; kudam- pot.
151.flower girl- bouquetiere- poo koodai- k-kaari/ girl with the flower basket; letters are jumbled; poo- flower; koodai- basket- kaari- girl / woman.
152.great bell- bourdon- periya uru udaiya mani ;periya- big; uru- size ; udaiya- has; mani- bell.
153.cow dung- bouse- pasu saani ; pasu- cow; saani- dung .
* put- bouter- poaduthar
* boutique- potti -k-kadai/ pettikkadai - petty shop; podi – small; kadai- shop . keeper- boutiquier- potti / petti-k-kadai-k-kaarar ; letters are jumbled; letters are rread more than once ; kadaikkaarar- shop owner.
157.poetry made on given rhymes- bout rime- paattu muran /ranam ; paattu- song; muran ; a kind of rhyme ; letters rein reversed order .
158.courageous man- brave – maravan ; poar maravan ;poar- war ; maravan- hero.
158.wood- et- Brazillet [ Brazil wood] – thadi ; letter is read more than once. fight- bretaill er- poar purithal ; letters are jumbled; poar- war; purithal- doing.
*160.fighter- bretteur- poar iduvoar
161.long sword- brette- periya patta / big sword; periya- big; patta- sword.
162.troop- brigade- poaer yaeru koottam ; paor- war ; poar yaeru- warrior; koottam- group/ crowd .
163.gang- brigade- perun-k-koottam ; periya- big; koottam- crowd.
164.corporal of cavalry- brigadier –poar koadara padai inar ; letters are read more than once; poar- war; koadaram- horse; padai- army ; padai inar- soldiers .
*165.pluck- brio- pari
*166.go- brio- priya
167.toast- brinde- poriththidu
168.noise/ sound- bruit- arattu ; eraithar ;uraiththar ;aariththar ; araithar ; letters are read more than once.
169.clamour- bruit- aar pariththar ; letters are read more than once. bruit- uraiththidu
*171.quarrel- brouille- purali
*172.pit hole- bure- poarai
173.pitcher- buie- paanai / pot
174.jug- buire- paari /liquor jug
175.child’s excrement- caca- kakka secrete- cacher- sura
177.tattling- caquetage- kathai adikka; letters are read more than once; kathaikka- to speak. chatter- caqueter- kathai adiththar gossip- caqueter- kisu kisuththar; letters are read more than once.
180.carbon- carbone- kari munn ; karimam ; kari- soot/ black .
181.this- cet- ethu
182.that- cet- athu give- ceder- thara
184.most certainly/ surely – certes-uruthi
185.certainty- certitude- uruthi paadu
186.intelligence- cerveau- arivu
187.cephalic- cephalique- enpu kalam/ bony vessel; letters are jumbled; enpu- bone; kalam- vessel.
*188.shawl- chale- seelai
189.plow- charrue- yaeru
190.prison- charter- sirai yiduthar / to imprison; sirai- prison.
191.pure- chaste- thooya flog- chattier- saattai yaar adiththar; saattai- whip; adiththar- beat; letters are read more than once.
* /warm- chaud- soodu
*194.heating- chaude – sudu
*195.roasted- cuit- cuttathu
196.cooked/ done - cuit- samaiththathu ; seithtathu ;seithaachchu / done
197.baldness- chauvete- sottai
*198.residence- lieu- ill/ house
199.watercourse- chenal- naalaa couple-chaudier- joadi saeththiduthar ; joadi- pair;saeththidu- to join .
201.slippers- chaussure- seruppu
202.small broken piece of wood- chicot- sinna kattai/ small stick; sinna- small; kattai- wood. chien- naai
* / summit- cime- uchcham
* cite/ quote - cite – suttu quote /to be priced – coter – suttuthar ; nodaithar- sale.
*207.tribe- classe- kuzhu
208.classic– classique[ - ka – la- sa- ka- ] – sevu- ilakkanam ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
209.mercy / leniency - clemence-manasu ilakkam ; letters are jumbled; manasu- mind; ilakkam- leniency
*210.core- coeur-karu
211.collar of coat- collet- kazhuththu pattai ; kazhuththu- neck . seize anyone by the neck- kolte /colleter- kazhuththai pidiththar ; pidiththar- to catch; kazhuththu- neck .
*213.rope making- corderie- kayeiru thiri ;kayeiru- rope; thiri- twist .
214.gravy- coulis- koozh; kulampu; gravy - kari kurumaa .
* add- coudre- saeththiduthar stitch- coudre- theiththar
217.knife- couteau- kaththi
218.brief- court- kuriantha
*219.cry- cri- karai
220.crying- criard- karaithar ; letters are jumbled .
*221.crying- criant- karainthidu /to cry
222.dirty- crotte- karai udaiya; karai- dirt; udaiya- has. get dirty- crotter- karai adaithar
*224.muddy- crotte- saeru udaiya ; saeru- mud; udaiya- has.
*225.swelling- crue- kuru
226.culture- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]- kuzhu nadai murai vazhakkam ; kuzhu- group ; vazhakkam – customs .
227.cultivation- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]- vaelaanmai seithar ; ka= va; va= ka ;vaelaanmai- cultivation; seithar- doing; vaelaan thozhil seithal ;thozhil- work; seithal- doing.
228.cultivation- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]-payir vilaiviththar - to grow crops; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka; payir- crops
229.tillage- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]- kalappai yaal uzhuthar ; kalappai- plough; uzhuthar- tillage .
230.husbandry- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]- kaal nadai valarththal – animal husbandry ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va = ka; kaal nadai- cattle; valarththal- to bring up .
231.growth- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]- valarththar ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka ; nunn uyiri valarththal ; nunn uyir- microorganism.
232.growth- culture [- ka- la -the- Ra-]-perukkuthal ; letters are jumbled. culture [- ka- la -the- Ra- ] -kalvi kattridu/ kattral ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka. ; kalvi- education; kattridu- learn.
234.dice- de- undai dation- thanthidu ; letters are jumbled.
* date- thaethi
237.tetter- dartre- thoar thaemar ; thoar- skin; thaemar/ thaemal – tetter; padar thaamarai / fungal infection. decrease- decroitre- kuraiththiduthar; letters are jumbled.
*239.defeat- defaite- uoothi poadu nauseate – degouter- kumattuthar ; letters are jumbled.
241.tooth- dent- thantham
242.democratic – democratiqe / democracy [ -the -ma - ka -Ra-sa-]- kudi aatchchi murai ; letters are jumbled; kudi- people; attchchi- rule; murai- method. depart- departir- purapaduthar ; letters are jumbled. separate- deparier- piriththar ; letters are jumbled.
* undress- deparer- uduppai uri ; uduppu- dress; uri- strip.
*246.naked- depouille- uduppu illai /no dress ;uduppu - dress; illai- nil.
* undress- devetir- udai yaei avuththiduthar ;udai- dress; avuththiduthar- to remove. rob -derober- pariththar ; letters are jumbled. divide/ distribute- departir- piriththiduthar /divide; letters are jumbled; piriththu tharuthar /distribute . depouille- thole
251.spoil- depouille- paazh aayida ;letters are jumbled.
252.godly- devot- theiva thanmai ; theivam- god; thanmai- nature.
253.god- dieu- theivam ; thee vadivam ;thee- fire; vadivam- fire ; dheivu ; dheiviyam[?Skt] .
254.divinity- divinite- theiva thanmai udaiya ;theivam- god; thanmai- nature; udaiya- has.
255.god /goddess- deite – aaththa/ goddess; full form is aathaal. diademe –pattam
* diete- theettai dine- diner- thinnuthar ; dine= thinnu .
*259.eater- dineur- thinnuvoar
260.deserving /worthy- digne- thakuthiyaana dike /to dam - diguer- thanni yaei thaekkuthar ; thanni- water; thaekku- to block .
*262.dike /dam- digue - thaekkam / reservoir; thanni thaekkam ;thanni- water.
*263.obstacle- digue- thadakku
264.mound- digue- muthuku speak- dire- nodiththar
* tell -dire- yaaththar
*267.say- dire- oaathuthar
* write- dire- theetuthar think- dire- ennuthar name- dire- peyar idu ; letters are in reversed order; peyar- name; idu- give. decree- dire- theerppu /decree; theerppu thara; aanai iduthar.
272.goddess- dive- thaai theivam/ mother goddess; thaai- mother; theivam -god; devi [?Skt]; devan- god ; root word is thee vadivam; thee- fire; vadivam- form .
273.said- dit- oaathiyathu sleep- dodo- adainthidu ; paduththidu .
*275.plump- dodu- thadiththa
*276.deceit- dol- yaeiththal
277.homely- domestic- kudiththanam; letters are jumbled.
278.residence- domicile- illidam ; letters are jumbled.
279.donor- donateur- thanthoar / one who has given; dhaanam thanthoar . don- thanthidu – to give; dhaanam [Skt] .
281.cloth- drap- ottru /clothe
282.clothed- drape -uduththuthar /wear; poarththidu; letters are in reversed order.
283.struggle- duel- thaththaliththal ; letters are read more than once; allaadu ;letters are in reversed order.
*284.bare floor- dure- tharai /floor
* continue- durer- thodaru ; thodaruthar . listen /to pay attention - ecouter- kavaniththar ; ka= va; va= ka; kavaniththu kaettiduthar . hear- ecouter- kaettiduthar ;kaathu koduththu kaettiduthar; kaathu- ear ;kodu- give; kaettiduthar- hearing .
288.on the lookout- ecoute; kann kaaniththidu ; kavaniththidu ; ka= va; va= ka. write- ecrire- keeru; kirukku .
290.written- ecrit- keeriyadu ; kirukkidu .
291.writing- ecriture- keeruthar ; kirukkuthar
292.hand writing- ecriture- keeriduvoar
293.writer- ecrivain- keeruvoan
294.bowl- ecuelle-kalan
*295.afraid-effraye- peeru /fear
*296.consideration- egard- karuthu ; karuthuthar ;letters read more than once.
* eglise- koa il /temple; koa- king/god; il-house.
*298.dripping- egouttage - kottuka; vadika; ka= va; va= ka.
* drip- egoutter- kadaithar ; kottuthar ; vadithar ; ka= va; va= ka.
300.falling of water- egout- thanni kotta ; letters are jumbled; thanni- water; kotta- to fall /drop.
301.sink- egout- kudavam; ka= va; va= ka.
*302.sewer- egout- saakkadai
*303.drain- egout- kudi ; vadi ; ka= va ;va= ka .
304.elastic - elastique- ezhukka koodiya ; letters are jumbled; nekizhvu udaiya .
305.elegy- elegie- azhukai pann ; azhuka- to wail; pann- song; ezhavu pann; ka= va; va= ka.
306.vomit- emetique- kumattuka / nauseate; letters are jumbled.
307.eminent- eminent- maenmai uydaiya
*308.soft- emmielle- mel; menmai ulla. inquire- enqueter – vinavuthar ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
310.head- entete- mandai ; mandai oaadu ;mandai- head; oaadu- skull bone .
311.epithet- epithete- pattam pick- epoutir- eduththar
312.terror- epouvante- paem vanthida / payam vanthida ;paem/ payam- fear. scare- epouvanter- paem/ payam[Skt] vanthiduthar / to have fear; paem- fear; vanthida- to come/ to have .
* cut up- equarrir- keeru /to cut
*315.eroded- erode- ariththida
316.squad/ gang- escouade- koottam
317.sharper- eskro- koor; koormai .
*318.floor /story - etage- adukku
*319.layer-etage- adukku
*320.vice- etau- theethu
* quench – eteindre- thaniththar extinguish- eteindre- anaiththiduthar; letters are jumbled. put out- eteint- anaiththidu; letters are jumbled.
325.summer- ete- uttanam
*326.affliction- douleur – thoyyial ura ;thoyyial – affliction ; ura- to have.
*327.cloth- etoffe- uduppu /clothe
*328.emaciated- etoile- thoththal
*329.stout- etoffe- thudippu
330.ticket- etiquette- kattana attai / seettu ; letters are jumbled. choke- etouffer- adaiththar etude- oaathidu; padiththidu . study/ learn- etudier- oaathuthar; padiththiduthar .
*334.sheath- etui- thuthi
335.etymological- etymologique- [- the- ma - la - ka-]- sol muthal aakka vilakkam /elakkanam ; letters are jumbled; sol- word; muthal- origin/ first ;aakkam- formation; vilakkam- explanation ; elakkanam- grammar ; ka= va; va= ka.
*336.awakening- evil- vizhi/ awake.
337.exceed- exceeder –kadaththar; kadanthiduthar ; mikuthar .
338.making- fabrique- uruvaakku / make; uruvaaakkam/ making; ka= va; va= ka.
*338.bundle- fagot- kattu
339.idle story- fagot- kathai /story ; vetti katathi / useless story ; ka= va; va= ka.
*340. flat- fade- pattai
* err- faillir- pizhai ura
*342.fault- faille- pizhai
* do- faire- puriya
* bear- faire- poru; paeru ura.
* have children- faire- paeru peru ; paeru- wealth/ children ; pera- to have.
* receive- faire- peru practice/ exercise- faire – payirchchi peru ; letters are read more than once. form- faire- uru peru ; letters are in reversed order; uru- form ;peru- to have. grow- safaire- uyaru
* look- faire- paaru
*351.doing- fait- padu /do
352.made- fait- padaippu ; padaiththathu . famille- illam; letters are in reversed order.
354.burden -fardeau- peruththa sumai ;peruththa- big; sumai- load/ burden ; peruththa paaram .
*355.hardship - fatigue - paadu paduka; letters are read more than once.
*356.toil -fatigue –paadu paduka
357.boon- faveur- oaara vaaram; letters are read more than once; varam .
358.fatigue - fatigue – thakai ; thuyakkam ; thookkam; thakaivu; ka= va; va= ka; asathi adaika ; asathi- fatigue; adaika- to have..
359.weariness- fatigue -thakai; thookkam .
360.favorite- favori – viruppam ; letters are jumbled; paer aarvam .
*361.fault/ mistake- faute- poththu ; poaaththu ; thappu ; letters are in reversed order ; apaththam [?Skt] .
362.fairy like- feerique- paei uruvam aaka ; paei uru – fairy ; paei- ghost; uruvam- figure.
363.fairy- fee- paei/ ghost
* imagine- feindre- punaithar ; ninaiththar ; ennuthar .
365.pretence- feinte- nadi ; nadippu ; letters are jumbled. pretend- feindre- nadiththar ; letters are read more than once.
367.female- feminine- penn mani; letters are jumbled; min.
368.female- femelle – pompala; mayili ; melliiyal ; maalai .
369.feminine- feminine- penmai; letters are jumbled.
370.girl- fille- penn pillai ; penn- girl; pillai- child.
371.daughter- fille- penn pillai; penn- girl; pillai- child.
*372.offspring- fille- pillai /child
373.lass/maiden – fille – ilam penn ; ilamai- youth; penn- girl ; letters are jumbled.
374.son- fils- aan pillai; aan- male; pillai- child.
375.child- fils- pillai
*376.cleft/ crevice- fente- ponthu
377.leaf- feuille- ilai
378.foil- feuille- ilai
379.pride- fierte- perumai yaoadu
380.proud- fier- perumai
381.famous- fier- peyar ariya/ name is well known; peyar- name; ariya- know. /ready money- finance – panam ; cash= kai kasu ; kai- hand; kaasu- cash.
383.puddle - flaque - kaluzhi; letters are in reversed order.
384.forest- foret- pottrai ; letters are jumbled.
385.fortune- fortune- paeru adainthida ; letters are jumbled; paeru- wealth; adainthida- to attain.
*386.strong/ hard – forte – paer uruthi ;paer- big/ great ; uruthi- strong .
*387.fool- folle- pullan
388.thunder- fouder- idi idiththar; idi- thunder; idiththar- to thunder.
389.great warrior- foudre- padai yaeru ; padai- army ;Padai Aatchchiyar ; ruler of army / warrior caste of Tamil Nadu; poar padai yaeru - warrior ; poar- war .
* dig- fouir- pari
391.thicket- fourre – puravu
* fry- frire/frai- pori
393.running away /flight - fuite- oaadi poaeidu ; letters are jumbled; oaadu- run; poaeidu- gone ;oaattam pidi .
* fly- fuir- para
* flee- fuir- para
*396.benefit- fruit – paeru adaiya ; paeru- benefit; adaia- to have. search out- fureter- thaedi paarththar; letters are jumbled; theasu- search ; paaru- look/see.
*398.fleeing/ flying- fuyant-paainthidu
*399.flat bottomed barge- gabare- kappar/ kappal – ship
*400.swelling- galbe- kazhalai
401.hole- galetas- kuzhi udaiya /with hole; kuzhi- hole; udaiya- has.
402.boy- gamin- aan makan ; aan- male; makan- son.
403.girl- gamine- mankkai ; letters are jumbled.
404.bowl- gamelle- kalam; letters are jumbled. guard/ protect- garder ; kavar kaaththiduthar ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka ;kaaththiduthar- protect.
*406.manger- gate- kaadi rejoice- se gaudir- kondaaduthar
*408.spoiled- gate-ketta ; makkida .
*409.damaged- gate-kaedu adaiya
*410.tainted- gate -kuththam udaiya
* spoil- gater- keduththar
* hurt- gater- kadiththar injure- gater- kaayam adaithar ; kaayam- wound; adaithar- to have.
*414.spoiler- gateur- keduththoar
415.spoil all- gate tout – anaiththai -yim kedeu ; anaiththum- all.
416. honey comb- gateau- thaen koodu ; thaen- honey ; letters are jumbled.
417.landing- gate- adaika /reach; letters are in reversed order.
418.steps/ stairs- gat - padi kattu ; letters are in reversed order.
419.gazette- gazette- seithi kaakitham ;seithu kaditham ; seithi- news; kaakitham- paper; kaditham- letter ;letters are jumbled.
420.giant- geant- kundan/ stout person
421.hen- geline- kozhi
*422.pole /staff- gaule- kazhi
423.small pole- gaulette – kutti kazhi ; kutti- small; letters are jumbled.
424.small wood- gaulis- sinna kazhi ;sinna- small; letters are jumbled.
* wait for- guetter- kaaththiduthar ; kaaththu kidathther .
*426.little /not much/ very few-- guere- kuraivu ; ka= va; va =ka. guet- kanndidu; kann kaanithidu watch- guetter- kaanuthar ; kann kaaniththar.
*429.dark /colour- gros- karu; karuppu ; karu niram ; karu- black; niram- ray/ colour.
*430.pregnant- gros- karu ura ; karu- embryo .
*431.complaint- grief- kurai
432.hail- grele- kar mazhai ; kar- stone; mazhai- rain
*433.grain- grain -kuruni
434.small quantity- goutte- konjoandu
*435.drop- goutte- kotta
436.hut- gourbi- koorai akam /thatched home; akam- home; giraha.
*437.neck/ of a bottle- goulot- kazhuththu/ neck
438.water channel- goulotte- vadi kaal ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
*439.drinking- godaille- kallu kudiththal ; letters are jumbled; kallu- toddy ;kudiththal- drinking.
440.tippler- godailleur – kadum - kallu kudiyar ; letters are jumbled ; kallu- toddy ; kudiyar- drinker; kadumai- severe.
441.power of the sword- glaive- kai vaal valimai ; letters are jumbled - kai - hand ; vaal- sword; valimai- power.
442.small cup- godet- kutti koappai ; kutti- small; koappai - cup .
443.dross- glette- kaalitham ; kazhi kadai ;letters are jumbled.
* glebe- keeezh; akalul .
*445.home- gite- kudi
*446.bed- gite- kidakkai /cot
447.refuge – gite- kathi ; akathi- refugee; othukku ;thikku ;letters are in reversed order.
448. lodge- gite- viduthi ;ka= va; va= ka.
* sleep-se giter- kidaththar
* house- giter- kudi yaeru ; kudi iru .
451.clown- gille- koamaali
* dance- gigotter- kooththaaduthar
453.shower/ hail shower – giboulee-kal mazhai pozhiya ; kal- stone; mazhai- rain; pozhiya- to shower/ pour .
454. jail- geole- kaaval;ka= va; va= ka.
455. jailer- geolier – kaavalar;ka= va; va= ka.
456.tribe / people- gent- kudi inam; letters are jumbled.
457.folk- gens- kanam / ganam
*458.knee- genou- kanu
459.nature- genie- kunam
460.dress- habit- patti /cloth; puttam ; padaam /cloth.
461.bold- hardi –uruthi ;theiriyam ; uram udaiya ; uram- bold; udaiya- has.
462.haughtiness- hauteur- thimir
*463.what- hein- enna
*464.time/ hour- heure- oaarai
465.heir-heritier- urimai udaiyoar; urimai- rights; udaiyoar / those who have.
466.hiccup- hoquet- vikkida ; ka= va; va= ka.
467.shame- honte- naanaththoadu /with shame; naanam- shame
468.basket- hotte- koodai; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
469.marriage- hymen- manam hypotheque- adaku
471.mind- idee- manathu; athaan/ soul; paththu; poatham.
472.head- idee- mandai ; mudi ; maedu .
473.plan- idea- thittam
474.idiot- idiot -matti
475.impolite- impoli- panpu illaamai ; letters are jumbled.
*476.bowl- jatte- satti/ pot
477.dancing- jete- aadu /dance
478.cast- jete- sinthu cast- jeter- sinthuthar; uthira.
* mold- jeter- achchu eduthther shoot- jeter- yeither; suduthar /fire. unite- joinder- inaiththar ; onnaayiduthar . put together- joinder- onnaa iduthar
* join- joinder- saenthiduthar connect- joinder- inaiththar
* meet- joinder- santhiththar
*487.joint- joint- santhu; moottu santhu; nuda/ nodi santhu ; letters are jumbled ; moottu/ nudam/ bone joint .
*488.junction- joint- santhi; santhippu
*489.young / junior- jeune- sinnaan
*490.very young- jeunet- sinnathu / young/ small
*491.pretty/ good - joli-ezhil ; saayal . journee- naar; letters are in reversed order.
*493.porcelain clay – kaolin – kali munn -clay; letters are jumbled.
*494.a kind of spice- kari- kari /spice; narai kari.
495.palace of the czars at Moscow- kremlin- mannarin maalikai ; letters are jumbled; mannar- king; maalikai- palace ;czars- arsar ; letters are jumbled.
*496.cyst- kyste- katti
497.swaddling cloth- lange- lunkki ; kaili ; letters are in reversed order.
498.cloth- linge- kalinkkam ; letters are jumbled.
499.lake- laque- ilankku ; kulam; letters are in reversed order.
500.little lake- laquet- aazham illa kuttai /shallow lake; aazham- depth; illai- nil; kuttai- lake.
501.wash- lavage- kazhuvuka ; letters are jumbled .
502.lawful- legitime- ozhunkku udaimai
503.leprosy- lepre- perum nasal; letters are jumbled; periya/ big; nasal- disease.
504.rise- leve- yezhu
505.raising- levage- ezhuka
* lieu- uzhi ; il ; ayal; ellai ; nilai
* lieu- il
508.liter- litre – alaththar / to measure
509.kilo- kilo- alakka /to measure; alaku ; letters are in reversed order.
510.lodge- loge- algu /to stay
511.moon- lune- nila; letters are in reversed order.
512.moon struck/ lunatic - luna tique- nila thaakkida ; thaakkida -to strike. logis- illakam
* struggle- lutter- alladuthar
* struggle- lute- allladu lord- maitre-munn udaiyaar ; munn- land; udaiyaar- holder.
517.madam- madame- moothaayee amma / great mother
518.madonaa- madone-- moo thaayee annai / mooththa annai - great mother ; mooththa- elder; annai- mother.
519.male- male-aampla
520.manly- male- aanmai ulla ; aanmai- manly ness; ulla- has.
*521.mother- maman- amman
*522.breast- mamelle- mulai
523.full breasted- mamelu-maa mulai ; maa- big; mulai- breast . mangue-maankaai- maa- big; kaai- green unripe fruit. tree- manguier- maan-k-kaai maram ; maram- tree.
526.mania- manie- mana noaei- manam- mind; noaei- disease.
527.mackerel – boat- maquilleeur-marakkalam / wooden boat ; letters are jumbled ; maram- wood; kalam- boat /ship .
528.cloak/ mantle- manteau- mundu ; moodu thuni ; letters are jumbled ; moodu- to cover; thuni- cloth.
529.march /progress/advance- marche- munnaeru
*530.water - maree- maaree
*531.shower- mars- maari
532.puddle / margouillis - munn saeru kulam ; letters are jumbled ; munn- soil ;saeru- mud; kulam- pond.
533.soldierly /martial- martial- mara thanmai ulla ; mara thanmai- valour ; ulla has.
*534.dead- mat- madiya/ die
*535.flat- mat - mattam
*536.dull- mat- matha mathannu ; mantham ; madamai . pollute- masturber- mutti adiththar/ masturbation; mutti- fist; adi- beat.
538.noon- midi – idai maiyam ; letters are in reversed order; mathiyam [Skt] .
539.early- matin- munthiyae ; letters are jumbled.
540.monkey- matou- manthi
541.mother- matrice- maathiru;thiru- holy; maa- big/ mother.
542.matron- matrone- mathiru annai ;annai- mother.
543.maturity- maturite- muththuthar ; letters are jumbled.
544.medullar/ pithy - medullaire- maiyaththil ulla moolai soaru / medulla ; maiyam- centre; moolai- brain ; soaru- pith .
545.middle- medium- idai maiyam ; letters are jumbled; maththimam [Skt]
546.mid/ middle- mi- maiyam
547.fight- melee-malaippu/ fighting
*548.mental- menatal - manathaal ; mind- manathu.
549.sea- mer- mun- neer ; meeram .
550.mother- mre- ama mara mets- uoottam ; letters are in reversed order; amutham ; amidam
552.mother country- metropole- maa thiru palli ; maa thiru- mother.
553.soldier /military - millitaire- malaithar /fight.
*554.monk- moine- muni
555.monks- moinerie- munivar
556.moleculuar- moleculaire-
557.molar tooth- molaire- mellara / to chew
558.soft- mollet – menmai ullathu / has softness.
* monde – maanathan
560.mankind- monde-maantha inam ; inam- race. universe- monde- andam / universe ; letters are jumbled.
* rise up- monter- munthuthar
*563.rise- montee- munthidu
564.mount/ mound - mont- munn maedu ; munn- soil; maedu- mound .
565.haughty look- morgue – muraikka
566.death/dead- mort- marainthida / disappear; mariththida . die- mourir- maraiya / disappear
568. moustache- moustache- meesai udai; meesai- moustache; udaiya – has.
* grind /to mill- moudre- maavu/ maa idiththar; maavu- flour; idiththar- pound
570. soft- mou- menmai
* spot- mouche- machcham/ mole snuff- moocher- mukaru /sniff
573.mosquito- moustique- kadikkukm kothuku ; letters are jumbled; letters are jumbled; kadi- bite; kothuku- mosquito
*574.mute/ dumb- muet- uoomai aayida ; uoomai- dumb; aayida- to become.
575.sheep/ mutton - mouton - maedam
576.change- mutation- maaththu; maaththanum / to change .
577.mutability- mutabilite- maaththum thanmai ullathu ; letters are jumbled; maaththu- to change; thanmai- nature; ulllathu- has.
578.mythic- mythique- thonma kathai ;thonmam- myth; kathai- story .
579.myth- mythe- thonmam; letters are in reversed order
580.mythology- mythologie- thonma kalai iyal ; kalai iyal- science.
581.swimming- naga- neenthuka
582.swimming- natation -neenththidu ; letters are jumbled.
*583.swimming- natatoire- neenthuthar plait- natter- pinnuthar plait- natte-pinnidu
* be born /to come into the world- naitre- eenuthar/ beget
*587.natal- natal- eenuthal
*588.nun- nonne- annai
589.young nun- nonnette- sinna thaai ; sinna- little; thaai- mother.
590.number- nombre- ennum murai / enn murai; ennu- to caluculate; enn- numerical number; murai- method .
591.niece/ cousin - niece- machchinan /cousin/ brother-in-law ; machchinichchi ; letters are jumbled; /cousin sister/ sister-in-law.
592. nest- nid- nidam
593.entirely- net- anaiththum
594.neatness- nettete- naeththi ; full form is naerththy.
595.negro- negre- kariyan; letters are jumbled; karuppan ; karu- black.
*596.undress- neglige- ani yaei kalaika ;ani- dress; kalaika- to remove.
597.nerve- nerf- narampu
598.navigator- navigateur-
599.obesity- obesite- thadiththa
*600.lustre- oeli- oli ; el.
601.wild goat – oegagre -karumai / goat;kori- sheep .
602.smell- odeur- naattram
603.nail /fingers / claw- ongle- kai kaal nakam; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; kaal- foot; nakam- nail.
*604. you- on- nee; un- yours.
* on- onnu work- operer- pani puriya; pani- work; puriya- to do .
607.optic- optique- kannn udaiya; letters are jumbled; kann-eye orange- naaran-k-kaai; naara- smell . tree- oranger- naaran-k-kaai maram ; maram- tree. man- oranger- naaran-k-kaai kaaran; kaaran- man. woman- orangerie- naaran-k-kaai kaari ; letters are read more than once; kaari- woman . colour- orange – naaran-k-kaai vannam ; ka= va; va= ka; naarankkaai- orange; naara- smell ; vannam- colour.
*613.orator- orateur- urai aattruvoar / speaker; urai- speech.
* or- urai
*615.border- oree-oaaram
616. east/ rising- orient –uyarnthida – raising; naayiru uyarnthida ;letters are jumbled; naayiru- sun .
617.oriental /eastern- oriental – uyaernthiduthal – raising.
*618.arrogance / pride- orguell- serukku ulla
* spread- ouvrir- viriya
*620.take away /take off – oter- eduththar
621.hostage- otage ; pinaiya kaithi ; letters are in reversed orderkaithi- prisoner.
*622.pledge- otage- adaku
623.Dutch gold- ori peau – irumpu / gold/ iron
624.bread- pain – poanam / food ; poajan .
625.peer- pair- nanpar/ friend ; oppar/ people who are equal .
* of a book- page- pakkam graze- paitre- pur maeither ;letters are jumbled; pur- grass; maeither- graze.
*628.palace- palais- palli
629.pandora- pandore- panda arai / store room;pandam- items; arai- room
630.palm tree- pal mier- panam pazha maram/ palm fruit tree ;panai- palm ; maram- tree; pazham- fruit
631.palm leaf- palmette- panam pazha thadi oaalai ; letters are jumbled; panam pazham- palm fruit; thadi- tree; oaalai- leaf; letters are jumbled.
632.pope - pape- appan
* papa- appaa
*634.bundle- paquet-kattu
635.packet- paquet-kattu
636.parcel- paquet- kattu ;eduppu kattu ; letters are jumbled.
637.mail- paquet- kaditham; kaththu .
*638.lump- paquet- katti. pack up- paquet- kattu ; moottai kattu ; letters are jumbled.
* bundle- pa queter- kattu kattuthar ; kattu- bundle; kattuthar- to bundle up.
641.boast- parade- peeththuthar ; letters re jumbled; perumai adi.
642.forgiveness- pardon- poruththidanum
643.parasite- parasite- ottu uyir unni ; letters are jumbled.
644.parotid- parotide – thaadai echchir surappi; letters are jumbled; thaadai- jaw; surappi- secretory gland ;echchi- saliva .
645.mumps- parotidite- thaadai echchir surappi thattammai / thadippu ; letters are jumbled;thattamai- mumps ; thudippu- swelling.
*646.share/ partition- partaga- piriththiduka
647.distribution/division - partage- pakirnthiduka ; letters are jumbled.
* divide- partir- pirithther
649.parturition/ birth - part- paeru adiya /to have baby ;paeru -wealth /fortune/ baby ; adaiya- to have.
*650.going/ leaving - partir- pirither
* depart /to part - partir- peyarther; pirithar ; purappaduthar ; letters are read more than once.
*652.gone- passe- poaachchu; poaayaachchu .
*653.dead- passe- poayaachchu
*654. to pass away/ die - passer- poaei saera
655. to die- perir- uyir piriya ; letters are jumbled; uyir- life; piriya- depart
656.pastor/ shepherd- pasteur- idaiyar
*657.shepherd- patre-Idaiyar
658.foot/ leg – birds and insects- patte- paatham
*659.flap – patte – pattai
660.affecting /touching- pathetique- paathikka / affecting; ithaththai paathikka; letters are jumbled; ithayam- heart ; ithaththai thoduka/ thaakka/paathikka.
661.pathology- pathologie- idumpai kalai iyal ; letters are jumbled; idumpai- disease; kalai iyal- science.
* suffer- patir- paadu paduthar ; letters are read more than once. feed- paturer- uoottuthar ; paththam uoottuthar; paththam- food.
664.poverty- pauvrete- varumai udaiya; letters aer jumbled; varumai- poverty; adaiya- to have /attain.
*665.pain- peine- pini
666.thief- pegre- kariyar
667.hanged/ hung- pendu- nandida
*668.pericardium- peri carde- kuruthi pai urai ; letters are jumbled ; kuruthi- blood; pai- bag; kuruthi pai- blood bag/ heart; urai- cover.
*669.pearl- perle- paral
*670.ruin- perte- paarida ; paaru- ruin ;uooru adaiya ;uooru- ruin ;adaiya- to attain.
*671.smallness- petitesse- podisu
*672.little child - petit –podiyan / little boy; pottai-girl.
673.dear- petit- anpudaiya
*674.stony/rocky - petree-[Arabic] – pottrai
675.kneaded- petri- pisaithar /kneading
*676.rock oil/ petroleum- petrole- paarai thailam / petroleum ;paarai- rock; thailam- oil.
*677.break - peter- poattu udaiththar
678.crack- peter- oaattai adaithar snap- peter - odiththar
* fart- peter- pothaer/ passing
*681.fart- pet- poaeida/ to pass
* burst- peter- pottuthar
*683.petal - petale- poo ithazh ; poo- flower.
*684.fear- peur-peeru
685.phallic- phallique- aan kazhai/ male stick;aan- male; kazhai- stick ; letters are jumbled; linga
686.pharaoh- pharaon- Paraiyan ; Raayan .
687.philology- philologie- mozhi kalai iyal ; lettersare jumbled; mozhi- language; kalai- arts /science.
688.phonetic- phonetique- kaetkkum thoni peck- picoter- koththuther
690.pricked- picote- kuththa
691.foot- pied- paaatham; adi.
*692.track- peid- paathai go on foot- pied- podi nadaiyaa adi poadu; podi- short; nadai- step; adi- foot; poadu – do. stick to one’s work- pied- pani pannida ; pani -work; pannu- do . away- pied- oaadi poaeida ; letters are jumbled; oaadu- run; poaeida- gone . kick- pied- uthai poadu; letters are jumbled; uthaikka= to kick. stamp- pied- poattu mithi foot- pied- sappai paatham ; paatham- foot.
*699.rock- pierre- paarai
700.broken stone- pierraille- paarai sillu
701. piety - piete- paththimai
* piety- pidi
703.pillar- pilier- nilai paeru ; letters are jumbled; nilai pera / to be stable.
704. pillage- pillage- kollai ; letters are in reversed order.
705.poets - pinde- pandithan / poet; pann paadi; pann- song; paadi- singer.
706.poet / poetess- poete ; paattu paadi/ singer ; paattu- song; paadu- to sing; paadini / poetess .
707.poetics- poetique – kathai paattu thanmai/ kunam ; kaviththuvam ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka; kathai – story ; paatttu- song ;thanmai- nature.
708.poetaster- poetereau- pun paattu paaduvoar ; pun- lowness. piot- pattai /toddy
710.sour wine- piquette- kaadi pattai ; kadi- sour; pattai- toddy ;letters are jumbled. mark off- piquer- kuri /to mark
712.marker who notes down the names of persons absent- piqueur- peyarai kurikkiravar ; letters are jumbled; peyar- name; kuri- mark ;kurikkiravar- one who marks .
713.peg/ stake- piquet- kattai
714.spotted /dotted- piquete- pottu pottaaka; letters are jumbled.
715.udder- pis- paachchi /breast
716.track – piste- paathai /path
*717.board/ slab- plaquette- palakai kattai /wooden board; kattai- wood; palakai- board rain- pleuvoir -urai pozhiya ; letters are jumbled; urai- rain ;pozhiya- shower
*719.rain- pluie- peyal; pozhi.
720.bag- pouche – pai poisson- paasi
722.pole [ geog ]- pole- pulam
723.polished/bright - poli- pala palannu ; pala palappu .
724.politic- politique [- pa – la- the - ka-]- kudi iyal ; letters are jumbled; kudi- people/ civil ; iyal- science ; pankkiduthal -distribution ; pankku idum kudi iyal/ method of public distribution; pankku- share .
725.gate/door - porte- thirappu; letters are jumbled.
*726.pore-pore- purai
*727.person possessed- possede paei pissu pidiththida ;paei pisaasu- ghost; pidiththida – to possess.
728.mad man- possede- piththan stove- potager – kari aduppu ; aduppu- stove ; kari- coal ; adupaankkarai- kitchen ; letters are jumbled. garden- potager- kaai kari thoattam ; letters are jumbled ; kaai kari- vegetables; thaottam- garden ; aduppaankkari thoattam/ kitchen garden.
*731.swollen- pote- pudaiththida
*732.big- pote- beththa pillar- poteau- thadi ; muttu thadi ; thadi- post/ timber ; muttu- to support.
734.plump- potele- thadiththal
735.louse-pou- paen
* powder- poudrer- podi thther see /look – pourvoir- oru paarvai paaru ; letters are jumbled; have a glance ;paarvai- vision ;paaru- see ; paarvaiyir.
738.meadow- prairie- pur tharai ; pur- grass; tharai- ground.
739.practice- pratique- payirchchi edukka / to practice.
740.prostitute- putain- potti ; paththini [Skt] – chaste woman .
*741.prostitute- prostituee- paraththai
742.stinking- puant- naaththam
743.stink- puanteur- naarida; letters are jumbled.
744.itch- psora- soriya
745.itchy/ psoric- psorique- sorika; arikka.
*746.protest- protet- poaaraadu
747.propagateur /spreader – propagator- parappukindravar; letters are jumbled; parappuka- to spread; ka= va; va= ka.
748.spread – propagation – parappiduka / propagate; letters are jumbled; gain- profiter- paeru adaithar
750.profitable- profitable- paeru adaithal ; perum payan adaithal ;periya big; payan- benefit; adaithal- to have.
751.gain- profit- paeru adaiya
* bear- produire- paeru peruther ; paeru- baby/ child ;peruthar- to get/ receive.
753.produce- produit- padaiththar ; letters are jumbled ; payir seithidu ; payir- crops; seithidu- do ; payaththar ; urpaththi ; letters are jumbled.
754. to practice- pratique payirchchi edukka ; letters are jumbled; payirchchi- practice; edukka - to have.
*755.professer – professer- paer aasiriyar ; periya- big; aasiriyar- teacher.
*756.prize- prise- parisu ; root words is paeru pera ;paeru- fortune /wealth /gift; pera- to receive.
*757.taking- prise- peru
*758.taker- preneur- perunar take- prendre- peruthar burn up- prendre- erinthiduthar / burning freeze- prendre- urainthiduthar curdle/ milk- prendre- paar purai adainthiduthar ; letters are jumbled ; paar- milk ;purai- curdle ;adaiya- to attain. snatch- prendre- pariththar act- prendre- purinthiduthar; letters are read more than once. fetch- querir- konaru
* ask for/ beg- queter kaettiduthar ; kenjuthar ; kai eduththar / beg . go in quest /search- quete- thaeduka ; letters are in reversed order; vaetkai ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
768.quit/ give up - quitte- kai vidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
769.share/ quota- quotite /quitter-othukkiyathu; othukkeedu ; othukkuthar -
770.kick- ruade- uthaiththar; letters are in reversed order.
771.way /road- route- theru / street; letters are in reversed order; rastha.
*772.burning- roussi- eriya
* burn- rotir- erithar/ burning; eriththiduthar .
* roll/ roller /cylinder- roulis- urula
*775.rolling- roulage- uruluka / to roll
*776.rolling- roulade- uruluthal ; letters are read more than once .
*777.roller- rouleau- uruli
778.rotate- rotace- suttru ; letters are in reversed order.
*779.roundness- rondeur- urundai uru ; urundai- round; uru- form .
*780.roundish- rondelet- urundai yaa ullathu
781.rounded chisel- rondelle- urundai uli ; urundai- round; uli- chisel .
*782.round shield/ rundle - rondelle- urundai thole/ daal; thole- skin ;daal- shield.
*783.round- rond- urundai roam- roder- thirithar; letters are jumbled.
785.king- roi- arasan ; raayan .
786.haughty- rogue- serukku
787.laugh- risee /ris- siri- letters are in reversed order. risette-siriththidu ;letters are jumbled. giggle- rioter- siriththar ; giggle= kekkalikka .
*790.rice- riz- arisi
791.river- riviere- uvar neer; letters are jumbled; neer- water.
792.screen- rideau- thirai; letters are in reversed order.
793.riches- richesse- seer; letters are in reversed order. dress- re vetir- seerai uduththuthar ;serai- cloth ; uduththuthar- to wear.
795.request- requete- koariduka ; letters are jumbled.
796.creeping- reptile- uooruthal
797.queen- reine- raani [Skt] ; penn arasi ; penn- female; arasi- queen.
798.chief- reis- arasan/ king; raja; raayan; roy.
799.ray- rayon- niram; letters are in reversed order.
800.scratch- rature- sorithar
801.drum beating- ra tata- parai yaei thattu; parai adiththidu ; parai- drum;thattu- to beat .
*802.rare- rare- ariya
* moisten/ make damp - ramoitir- eeram adaithar ;eeram- moisture; adaithar- to attain.
* grow- raider- uyaruthar
805.arrack- rack – sarakku
806.suture- suture- theiththar
807.surety- surete- uruthi suite- saainthidu
809.sugar- sucre- sakkarai
810.jump- saut -saadu jump- sauter- saaduthar
812.jumper- sauteur- saaduvoar
813.knowledge- savor- arivu ; letters are in reversed order.
814.sedative- sedate- amaithi adaiya separate- separer- piri divorce/ part- separer- piriya
817.gang- sequelle- kuzhu place- situer- iduthar
819.sun- soleil- elli
820.copper- sou- seppu
*821.unite/ join /to solder- souder- saeththiduthar
*822.sudden- soudain - sattena
823.anxiety- soucci- achcham /fear
* smile- sourire- siri
825.deaf person- sourd- sevidar ; letters are jumbled. remember- souvenir- ninaivu ura; letters are jumbled.
* kick the bucket- sauter - seththiduthar /to die
828.stewed- saute- sunda seithathu ;sunda- stewed; seithathu- made.
829.satiety- satiete- thaninthida
*830.tailor- tailleur- theiyalar reduce to silence – tair- amaithi adaithar ;amaithi- silence; adaithar- to attain.
832.drum- tambour- thomaram ; letters are jumbled. slap- taper- thapputhar;adi poaduthar ; letters are jumbled.
834.slap- tape- thappu; adi poadu; letters are jumbled. tap / pat- tapoter- thattuthar
836.tillage- teillage- uzhuthiduka; letters are jumbled.
*837.dress - tenue- thuni/ cloth
838.ground- terrain – munn tharai ; letters are jumbled.
* terre- tharai hair of head - tete- mandai mudi ; mandai- head; mudi- hair .
*841.similar- tel- oththu ulla
*842.body- tige- udakku; thaekam. become cool- tiedir- thanithar shooting- tir- suduthar
845.tiger- tigre- kodu vari ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka.
*846.cloth /curtain- toile- thuyil
*847.robe /gown- toge- udukkai-dress; thokku /cloth. strike- toquer- thakkuthar thodukka; letters are read more than once.
849.touched- toque- ithaththai thodukai ; ka- va; va= ka ; ithayam- heart ; thodukai- touching .
850.touche- touche- thodu touch- toucher- thoduthar
852.completely- tout- moththamum
*853.treasury- tresor -thirai saeri ; thirai /thiru - wealth.
854.tune/ tone - ton – thoni
855.hole- trou- thuruvu kill- tuer-aduthar; thudaiththar ; maaiththar ;sithaiththar .
857.killing- tuage- othukku ; idikka ; madakku ; kaathai ; letters are in reversed order. tube- thoompu
* un- onnu
*860.united- uni- onna
*861.valiant- vaillant- vallamai vaaintha
862.valour- vaillance – vallamai yaana
*863.vain- vain- veen
864.variety – variete -vevaeru vithaththir ; letters are jumbled. vary – varier – vaeru
866.come- venu - vaa
*867.dressing room- vestiaire- udai uduththara /soodum arai ; udai- dress; uduththu- to wear ; sooduthar- to wear ;arai- room .
* cloth /to dress- vetir- udai uduththuthar ; uduththuthar- to wear .
*869.dressed / clothed- vetu – udai uduththiya ; udai- dress; uduththiya- dressed.
*870.hole- vide- oaattai
871. victory- victiore- vettri adaika; letters are jumbled; vettri- victory; adaika- to attain.
872.old /aged - vieux- vayasu aakiya
* ville- vaeli /village
874.way- voie- iyavai; letters are in reversed order.
875.driver- voiturin- voattunar; letters are jumbled.
*876.adore- adorer- thuthithther
*877.alert- eveille- vizhippu
*878.alive- eveille- vaazhu/ be alive
879. arrival- arrivage- varukai ; letters are jumbled.
880.astrology-astrologie- sudar kalai iyal ; sudar= star ; kalai iyal - science;
881.Atlantic- Atlantique- [ -the- la -an -the - ka- ]- kadal thanni; kadal- sea; thannni- water.
*882.attain- atteindre- adainthiduthar
*883.attainement- portee- paeru adaiya poupee- paappa
* – oter- thaduthther
*886.beget- produire- - paeru peruthar ; pirapiththar ; paeru- baby ;adaithar- to have .
*887.beget- faire naitre- paeru eenuthar ; paeru- baby /wealth; eenuthar- to deliver.
888. behind- apres- puram
*889.big- fer- periya
890. bite- piqure- kori
891.bracket- brakete- adaippu kuri ; letters are jumbled ; kuri- symbol .
892.braid- soutacher- sadai iduthar
*893.bundle- botte- pothi
* burn [ bricks]- cuite- sudu
*895.cartilage- cartilage- kuruththu ellu aaka /as a tender bone ; kuruththu- tender/ ellu- bone.
896.castle- chateau- koattai
897.cigarette- cigarette- pukai suruttu ; letters are jumbled; pukai- smoke ; suruttu- roll .
*898.collect- quete- koottu; koodu .
*890.collect- queter- koottuthar
891.gathering- quete- koottam ; kotti .
*892.gatherer- queteur- koottam koottuvoar ; koottam- meeting; koottuvoar- one who gathers ; koeithiduvoar / gatherer.
893.corn- grain- kuruni ; kurunai . sommet- mudi agiter- kooththaaduthar ; kooththaadiyar- dancer.
896.depart- quitter- neenkkuthar ; poakuthar ; oaankuthar .
*897.destroy- peredre- paraithar
898.die- seteindre- seththiduthar
899. divulge- divulguer- veli-aakkuthar ; letters are jumbled.
*900.fetch- tour- attuthar / bring
*901.fry- friture- poriththar
902.allure- gait- mayakkidu
*903.air- gait- kaaththu /wind
*904.grain- gale- koolam
905. gap/ breche- vide- vedippu ; idaivu ; letters are in reversed order.
*906.get- fair- peru cadeau- kodai
* dor- udar / udal
909.goitre [ - ka- the -Ra-] kandaa kaedaiya thoattram udaiya surappi katti ; letters are jumbled; kandam- neck; thoattram- appearace ; kaedayam- shield ; surappu- secrotry gland ;katti- swelling .
910.holy- benit- punitham [Skt] ; thooimaiyaaana ; letters are in reversed order.
*911.hut- baraque- purai akam ; purai- hut; akam- home.
*912.look- paraitre- paarththiduthar
913. maiden - guillotine- kanni kazhiyaatha penn ; letters are jumbled; kanni thanmai- virginity ; penn- girl .
*914.medulla- moelle- maiya moolai/ midlde brain ; maiyam- middle; moolai- brain; medulla- maiyaththil ulla moolai .
915.merge- seteindre- saenthiduthar ; letters are jumbled.
916.mortuary- mortuaire- marainthoar / mariththoar arai; marainthoar- dead persons ;arai- room .
*917.need- devoir- thaevai ura
*918.oneness- unite- onnaayida
919. observance - pratique- pin pattruka ; letters are jumbled.
*920.paid- acquitte- kattiyathu ;kattanam kattiyathu- kattanam- fees; kattiyathu- paid.
921.pair- paire- eru paeru ;eru- two; paeru- persons; eru napar .
922.parliamentary – paar aalu mandra ththu ;letters are jumbled; paar- world; aalu- to rule ; mandram- assembly.
*923.partition- partage- piriththiduka
924.pathos- pathetique- thunpam mikuntha ; letters are jumbled; patho- thunpam; mikuntha- excess.
925.proudly- fierement – perumai yoadu
926.puberty –puberte pooppu adaithar ; letters are jumbled.
*927.reach- setendre- saenthiduthar
928.revenue- revenue- varumanam ; letters are jumbled.
929.ridge – sommet- maedu
930.ripeness- maturite- muththuthar ;letters are jumbled.
931.rogue- coquin – kayavan ; letters are jumbled ;ka= va; va= ka ;rogue = kayavar; ayaokkiyan.
932.scoop- oter- thaonduthar
933.shield- egide- kaedayam
*934.shrink- serider- siruthtar ; shrink= sunukka
*935.slab- plaque- palakai
*936.stylish- elegant – azhagaanathu/ beautiful; elakkanam kondathu ; letters are jumbled.
937.superior-- superieur- periyoar/elders
*938.under- aide- adi
939.weaving- tissage – neithiduka
940.wooded- boise- pochchai/ woods